Look out for our 2023/4 programme

First Monthly Competition

First Monthly Competition of the season, judged by Rod Wheelans PMAGB MFIAP FIPF HonPAGB HonSPF

Second Monthly Competition

Second Monthly Competition of the season, judged by Margaret Elliot EFIAP DPAGB ARPS

Western Area Battle

Western Area Battle, at Victory Hall, Dalston - Judge to be announced

New 3-way Battle

Interclub competition with Dalston and Workington at Belah Community Centre, Carlisle - Judge to be announced

3-Way Battle

Interclub competition with Penrith and Keswick, at Friends Meeting House, Penrith - Judge to be announced

Annual Print Competition

Competition Results – printed images entered into Annual Competition - Judged by Richard Speirs DPAGB BPE2* APAGB

Annual PDI Competition

Competition Results – digital images entered into Annual Competition - Judged by Alan Walker ARPS MPAGB MPSA EFIAP BPE3*

3rd Monthly Competition

Judge Christine Widdall MPAGB - Competition judged by zoom, PDI entries